Hapless review by duh-5

If duh-5 had more expertise in reviewing movies than having watched 1000 hours of Wrestlemania, it might lend some credence to his pitiful review of this film.

Kenny Rogers wrote a beautiful song about one of the more difficult aspects of leading a principled, peaceful life. If we are to listen to duh-5, we would believe that Tommy was a coward, rather than the dutiful son and self-disciplined person his character was meant to display.

Duh-5 and other idiots who equate pacifism with cowardice are, themselves the most cowardly, weak, ass-clowns on the planet. One need only listen to the song to hear the biblical reference to Jesus and His "Sermon on the Mount" in which he told his followers to love their enemies and to turn their left cheek to them after they strike the right cheek. To relegate true pacifists and conscientious objectors to war to the status of coward is an insult to the intelligence of those who read that review and to the memories of those who were shot when they refused to be conscripted in this world’s endless wars. You would probably call 12-year-olds in the Congo cowards for letting militants cut off their arms rather than pick up a gun or machete and rape innocents themselves as part of the militant armies there.

Another clue that this numbskull missed was that the song lyric said "Everyone considered him the coward of the county". Well DUH! Christianity has never been popular in the United States, though the majority of her citizens claim to practice it. Anyone with the moral courage to refuse military service or refuse to buy an automatic rifle to protect their flat-screen TV is considered a coward by a nation that believes in "pre-emptive" war to protect low gas prices. The fact that those stupid hicks (who duh-5 probably calls his folk) considered Tommy a coward for remembering his promise to his father is no reason to believe Tommy was actually a coward.

In fact, the only thing in this film that could possibly make Tommy look like any kind of coward at all would be that fight scene that duh-5 got all stiff about. It requires a certain degree of moral cowardice to shrink from one's beliefs and values at a time they are truly tested. While Tommy's rage is understandable, ultimately, his violent reaction will do little to stop the phenomenon of rape. As behavioral scientists have been telling us for decades now, rape is a crime of violence, not sex. If Tommy had listened to his father at that crucial moment, he might have started a series of lectures at the local church or in the schools, teaching young boys to use their minds and hearts to solve conflict, rather than their fists. He might have counseled teen boys that women are not objects for their lust, but real people. He might have saved other girls from rape, rather than give in to his passion and submit to his violent impulses.

I know some will read this and think it's a joke, or that I'm over-reacting. But this song was one that my grandfather played for me as a boy and talked to me about at great length so that I understood what it meant. Pacifists are not cowards. They struggle ever day with an entire society of idiots like duh-5 who love violence and will not let this world live in peace for ANY price.

To idiots like that, I have just one parting statement:

I hope you enjoy the rest of World War III. It promises to be filled with blood and hate. Very little room for pacifists or, as you like to call them, cowards.


How in heaven's name did you find offense in that review? You my friend have some real issues to deal with. There is no indication at all in the review that the author feels that pacifism = cowardice!

Take a chill pill man...


Goodness me! How, in heaven's name? Mercy...do tell.

I shall. And it will be a pleasure to elucidate for such a dim-witted “chill pill” pusher as you.

Indication #1: He calls Tommy a “coward” (in a sentence with an obviously misspelled word, I might add).

“It was a smash hit about a coward who's lady love is raped and then goes after the attackers.”

Indication #2: He uses the adjective “cowardly” to describe Tommy.

“The intention was that Tommy not grow up to be like his father, but as he grows up it just makes him appear to be cowardly.”

Indication #3: He says that violence helps Tommy find “redemption”, presumably from his pacifism/"cowardice".

“Tommy and his uncle fight them, and in so doing Tommy finds redemption.”

Indication #4: Again using the adjective “cowardly” to describe Tommy.

“The only conceit here is singer Kenny Rogers in the pivotal role as the town preacher and uncle of the cowardly boy.”

Indication #5: The reviewer uses the adjective “best” to describe a scene of violence, indicating his love, appreciation, enjoyment, and perhaps addiction to violence.

“When Tommy confronts the attackers in the local bar, what follows is arguably one of the best fight scenes in film history.”

To presume to tell me I have “issues” because of my critique of this review is laughable. You are illiterate, stupid, or both.

To call someone who refuses to fight a coward and then to glorify him or her when they do is an indication that you equate pacifism with cowardice. What could be any clearer than that?

Now, go play with your toy guns…you’ll need to know how to use the real thing soon enough. Your war-hungry friends in the Middle East are anxious to spread their insanity to our shores. But then, you’d be happy to see others die in the name of glorious battle, wouldn’t you? Peace and human reason are just cowardly nonsense to your kind.



I think you need to enlist mate, you have a lot of pent up issues to sort out...

Pip pip, cheerio, and all that rot ;)


You need a date screwy 1.



What clever writing/thinking...

It took you HOW long to come up with that?


The fact that you responded shows that it affected you, so fait accompli.
Your intolerance to other people's opinions and inability to read any posting fully explains both the faulty logic and your incoherent writing style which would honestly embarass the most undemanding high school editor. But more than that the time that you obviously spend planning your sorties into what most people see as a simple hobby is indicative of true emptiness and lonliness. You have proved my last point! I would be remiss however if I didn't thank you for the attention that your venomous critique has brought my humble posting. Few had read it until you replied. So I will end this most cordially! And since this obviously means so much to you happy hunting!


I find it odd that you are preaching moral superiority when you resort to name calling and profanity. Though I agree in part that deh-5 over overemphasized the word coward in describing Tommy I don't think it was ment in the negative sense and your overreaction shows you lack the restraint you accuse him of not having.
I suggest you think more about your reactions to reviews before commenting on them in the future.


Now that people have stopped attacking each other, I would point out that in essence the movie and the song are both about people confusing cowardice and principle (whether Christian or otherwise).

Tommy promised his father that he would not fight - in war or civil society. He kept to the promise, despite being thought a coward by ignorant townsfolk.


The fact that you chose to attack someone else's opinion (and person - "idiot") says more about you than deh-5. You don't think his review was accurate? Write your own.

I found nothing offensive in the review. If anything, it made me want to see the movie just to catch the fight scene and its context. (Love the song. Never caught the movie.)

"My Knight in Shining Armor got lost. He refused to stop and ask for directions."


The main character is more of a yellowbelly than a coward really.


I grew up in the 80's and I was someone like Tommy who tried not to fight. Yet I learned the real lesson from the song that you DO sometimes have to fight for your dignity and your beliefs. If you aren't willing to try to be peaceful then you are a bigger coward then anyone, but if you do nothing to those who would rape your girl then you aren't a man. I think they got off easy myself.


It seems to me like you misread the review, my freind. Inspired by your "critique", I read deh-5's review and did not get the same message out of it that you did at all. You obviously read way too much of your predjudices into this review.
Like one or two of the others here have suggested, you might want to take a chill-pill. Or at least think before you go on one of these rants in the future.


Sometimes, you're more of a man by not giving in to the violent impulse than you are by grabbing that machine gun to protect your flat-screen TV.

I respect a man who turns the other cheek more than I respect clueless yahoos who shoot first, think later.


As a coward myself , I believe that Tommy should have enlisted after Pearl.Harbour as the Gatlins did.
