Why In Celluloid Closet ?

Why was this - presumably through film clips - refenced in The Celluloid Clost ?
Is Blair Brown gay ? Are there " f*g " jokes in it ? ( the movie's dialogue )


I haven't seen that doc, but there is a scene where Belushi is with Blair Brown in Chicago and he is going over some "ground rules" with her. He says something like, "oh, and another thing, don't smile at anyone in Chicago. You smile at someone, they'll think you're gay."

That line was used in the TV commercial for this, if I remember. I betcha that's the clip they used.

There is one other part that I remembered. Belushi is up in the mountains with Brown when her sort-of-boyfriend shows up and tries to terrorize Belushi. Brown tells him to stop, and Belushi says, "hey, who is this fa*got?
