How about a remake?

Well, how about it? Except this time, keep the story more in line with that of the original novel, "The Game of X". Heck, you could even call the film by that title if Condorman seems to "dumb" or "hokey".

If I had to cast it with today's talent, I would pick:

Jim Carrey - Woody
Salma Hayek - Natlia
Robert DeNiro - Krokov
Robert Carlyle - Morovich
Danny Devito - Russ
Paul Giametti - Harry

As for a director, I'd choose Robert Mandel. His varied body of work speaks for itself, and I'm sure that he'd be more than up to the task. If you eliminate the problems of the original, you could have one hell of a summer event movie here.

Just a few thoughts, I'll be back with more ideas!

Now, tell me yours! I'm all ears!

"Life moves pretty fast! If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it!"



You would be correct in your assumption manhunter! It's an obvious choice, yes, but it could work, you never know! Later!

"Life moves pretty fast! If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it!"


Will Ferrell for Woody! Or maybe something a little more ofbeat, say like Owen Wilson.


they better not remake this, totally spoil a childhood memory. this movie ranks as one of my alltime faves, my mum took me to see this at the cinema when i waa ten.
but...i have always wanted to see a sequal.
obviously u couldent use crawford so a sequal with woody and natalia's son maybe?
say woody dies so its taken from natalia's perspective, single mother tells son wild storys about his father, then he discovers aload of his old kit somewhere...ect...ect...,
i dunno one can dream i spose.


Here is my cast:

Dan Akroyd: Woody Wilkins

Robert Klein: Krokov

Helen Hunt: Natile

Franco Nero: Harry


Liking these ideas people, I thought no one would get back to this, but I guess I was wrong!

A sequel-cum-remake (or re-imagining even!) could work I reckon, if done right. The expectation for it to be played straight could be high, given the current wave of Superhero event movies.

I love the idea of Will Ferrall as Woody, Superb!

Ah, who knows?!

"Life moves pretty fast! If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it!"


Will Ferrel as Woody Wilkins??? Maybe, Maybe.....anything so long as it gets a re-release onto dvd (and a first time release here in the UK!!) I think if it was remade, it would need to be done in the same vain as the original. This film is an undisputed classic and should be treated with some reverance. Good God, did I say that??? It is a great movie and everyone should see it at least once in their life.


Yeah i too remember this film from childhood. First film i saw that didn't have end credits?

To remake it to spoil childhood memories as someone said above? i wouldn't advise it. but in today's remake "everything thing in sight" cos originality is dead. I sure wouldn't be surprised if a remake movie or long after 'sequel movie' popped up though.



Remaking it would ruin it, especially if Michael Crawford wasn't in it

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room."


Unfortunately, Dan Akroyd is too old now... And I don't think Helen Hunt is exotic enough. But I wouldn't mind seeing a remake of this movie! I loved it as a kid!! I still remember trying to create things out of cardboard and fly, thinking that I was saving the world from the evils of communisms. *LOL* Wow... great memories that this movie inspired.


I always loved this movie... and IF I could find the original, I'd also like to see a remake.

Although, I'd differ in my cast choice, although Jim Carrey is ALWAYS a good choice.

Woody: Tim Allen (Woody's a klutz, and Tim Allen HAS a lot of practice in screaming)

Natalia: Milla Jovovich

Krokov: Arnold Swarzenegger (Hey, we've GOT to get him out of office SOMEHOW)

Morovich: Dougray Scott or Patrick Stewart

Russ: Dana Elcar

Harry: Dan Akroyd (Rather than Woody... This guy's more for comic relief than protaganist)


Unfortunately, Dana Elcar is dead...


Oh God No!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone was good except that Mexican National Salma. I;d pay for her to take english lessons for chrst's sake!



There shouldn't be a Morovich or Krakov. I see no point in remaking this in an 80s setting, and I seem to remember hearing that the cold war was over.

My suggestion is to change the Russian to CHinese. Make Chow Yun Fat the equivalent of Krakov, and Zhang Zhiyi Natalia.

As for Woody, well, anybody BUT Will Ferrell . . . Or Steve Carell. Woody's a goofy, but average guy, not an over the top cartoon. Ferrell is a schtick comic, not an actor. And he is inacaple of creating romantic chemistry with an actress.



Heavens no. Just leave this good old film alone. Why does everyone want to remake every old movie in the world? Just look at the vomitous remake of 'The Parent Trap'.


Oh my. Would'nt have thought this many people remembered this film. Personally i had almost forgotten it, untill someone mentioned the word "Condor" yesterday, and it just popped in "CONDORMAN!!!" I remember watching this as a kid, and i loved that film. Unfortunately i'm not sure if i want to see it again, afraid that it might ruin some of the fond memories i have. And i definately do NOT want to see a remake. I hate it when they make those, cause they never live up to the original.


Only way I would love the remake, if Disney turned it into a computerized animation musical and Michael Crawford would still be able play Woody, but this time he could sing about his shyiness, and his love of animation hero Condorman.


ABSOLUTELY NOT. This is a cherished story, and no one will replace Michael Crawford as Woody!

"I dwell in darkness without you" and it went away?
