Favorite images ....

Since Hugh Hudson was famously an advertising director (and a brilliant one at that) and this was his very first film, Chariots of Fire is full of wonderful images and striking visuals.

What are some of your favorites?

One of mine, off the top of my head, happens to be the close-up shot right directly into the hole of the tuba, when the marching band music is heard at the Olympics. The camera stays on this odd and puzzling image for a while while the music plays, and then the tuba moves sideways and we see what it was -- not just an odd, striking black whole surrounded by a multi-color silver circle, but a tuba.

I've since seen this trick used in a few other movies. I don't who invented it, but I love it, and it fools me every time I watch this scene.

What are some of yours?


I like the beginning part in this clip, where Ian is rounding the corner, running with the other guys. Its always been my favorite image from the film.


Remember, its not a rumor, its a video


Thanks, it made me shiver just opening the video. Nice image, poignant with Vangelis's music.


When Eric Liddell throws his head back running for his medal at the end. Just love that music at that point as well.

Dogs have owners, Cats have staff!


Ooh, yeah ... and we've got the video of that!







Who is tookoo and why does he rarely leave an actual message?
