Who else started getting the CAVEMAN music theme stuck inside their heads after watching it it over again a couple times.
Just after my second watching of it the music got stuck in my head.
(The Music they paly at the campfire. It also plays at the End Credits and Beggining og Movie)



OH yeah, I know exactly what you mean there. I saw this movie for the first time a few years back and that song they do around the campfire always sticks in my head for a few days.


if you know of any place to get the songs send the link thnx [email protected]


Is there a website to download movie soundtracks - coz I'd like to know

"Live long and prosper"


I love the themesong for Caveman. During the openning credits when Ringo Starr is hobbling around, the music alone is enough to make me crack up.


the Caveman theme rocks!


Just watched it again on Netflix instant, first time in over 25 yrs.
Could have swore that Ringo's "Wrack My Brain" played at the end credits
when it was originally released. Must have been mistaken.
