A slight turn on?

Is anyone else turned on by Dennis Quaid or John Matuszak being half naked and partially clad in fur?

Maybe it has something to do with my early sexual awakening happening when this movie came out, but some of the scenes are hot. I really wish John Matuszak would have left his chest natural.


Some of those cave chicks are certainly hot, but then i think about the hygiene :(

That woman deserves her revenge... and we deserve to die.


I totally agree with you on what you are saying about the hygiene of the women in this movie but you have to remember our ancestors dressed like this and hygiene back then was not a big thing you know. Not like it is now a days.


Quaid looks ridiculously hot in this movie.



..and every one of them words rang true and glowed like burnin' coal..


Quiad and Matszak are ridiculously hot in this (Matuszak kinda goofy-looking, but who isn't in this flick). I don't think I've seen anything with young Dennis Quaid in it...wouldn't have guessed he used to be that hot. And Matuszak was a sexy beast (but like you said, he should've left all his chest hair intact -- they're supposed to be cavemen, it fits!).
