MovieChat Forums > The Burning (1981) Discussion > Slightly grossed out by Harvey Weinstein

Slightly grossed out by Harvey Weinstein

There are all kinds of rumours that Harvey Weinstein, who co-wrote and produced The Burning, employs the casting couch (meaning that he gives roles to actresses in exchange for having sex with him). Every time a girl in this movie got naked, I couldn't help thinking "I wonder if Harvey hit that" and got squicked out.


That’s some foreshadowing.


Yeah, I said a similar thing in another post. It does have a sleazy vibe to it at times, even though he only co-wrote and produced it and never actually directed it. Still, it can't be a coincidence, can it?!


Leave it to Weinstein to have a scene in which a virgin is deflowered.


Good point, and he made the scene have a rape like vibe to it as the girl seemed nervous, and he was hurting her. I recall her whimpering 'easy' at least once and then 'stop' and crying out while he kept going.
