the hotel location?

where was the town that this was supposed to be in in the story?, the town of course where the hotel was located where walter's charachter goes to assasinate someone and where jack lemmon's charachter goes to kill himself?

i got a strong mexican vibe from the place and it seemed quite hot and sunny so maybe somewhere in southern california near the mexican boarder, but just wanted to know where it was supposed to be in the story plot?


The credits list Riverside CA USA as the filming location.


It was shot in Riverside, CA. - about 60 miles east of Los Angeles. The historic Riverside County Court House is featured prominently, but in actuality there is no hotel across the street. I'm not sure what was there during the shoot, but currently there's a parking lot and a couple of small single-lvel shops. According to what information I could find, for the filming of Buddy, Buddy a facade was erected to give the impression that a hotel was standing there. The interior of the hotel looks like it's the nearby Mission Inn.


It is,in fact,The Mission Inn in downtown Riverside.

Betty-"SHOVE IT!"
Ralph-"Oh,you shove it too,Betty!"
