Donna Wilkes

I became a fan of Donna Wilkes after watching the movie "Angel" where she plays the teenager Molly Stewart who goes to high school during the day and then makes her living by becoming a prostitute on Hollywood Boulevard during the evenings.

I must say i was very impressed when I saw her in "Born to Be Sold". In fact, this tele-film may become one of my personal favorites.

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Donna Wilkes is a very appealing presence in "Angel" and this film, even though her character isn't very likable. She seemed to get stuck in a lot of Linda Blair-type roles as a troubled teenager.

It's too bad she hasn't made a film in years. I wonder what she's up to these days?


I read somewhere she was doing some convention appearances in the Los Angeles area and even had done a guest appearance at The New Beverly Cinema revival showing of the movie that made her a cult figure ANGEL. Reports from fans is she has kept good care of herself. Other than that she seems to be keeping a low profile.

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Thanks for the update, filmbuff1974! I'm glad to hear Donna is taking care of herself. I assume she chose to pursue domestic life or another career outside the public eye. As we all know (from her films and others), Hollywood can be brutal!
