MovieChat Forums > The Boogens (1981) Discussion > Boogens Blu ray review

Boogens Blu ray review

I just watched the blu-ray with mixed feelings, though it was a decent release (alas, no trailer for extras):


I received mine yesterday and watched it immediately. The picture is pretty good, the sound is clear and easy on the ears. Yes Olive Films is pretty bad when it comes to extras, but hey the commentary track was excellent!

While I hate the lack of extras, I do own several Olive Films releases because they are at least affordable. Twilight Time another bare bones release outfit, charges almost $40 for a disc with no extras!! I have yet to buy one from them.


I got mine in the mail today; will be watching it tonight.

What do you think this is, a signature? It's a way of life!


It's a great movie, I forgot how good the acting and gore was. It's a shame about the actual boogens though. The director explains that the effects guy brought them on set at the last minute and there wasn't any time to redo them. Let alone make the crappy ones they did build work.

Oh and Tiger the dog should've been nominated for something!
