MovieChat Forums > Blow Out (1981) Discussion > Sound Analysis software would'be blown t...

Sound Analysis software would'be blown that old analogue gear away.

If only Travolta had had Sonic Foundry's Sound Forge (now owned by Sony), or Steinberg's Wavelab at his disposal, he could have knocked out that audio program digitally instead of on old analog tapes, and he could have isolated those sounds within seconds of loading up the cool metered screens showing the peaks and drops on colorful graphs. John Travolta's an accomplished computer nut, as well as a pilot, so that technology would be very elementary to someone with his experience. But it's funny watching him play back analog tapes listening to unsynchronized audio, like Watson and Bell. Sound Forge came out in '94 so it's only 13 years difference, but those early nineties were trail blazing pioneer years in computer and digital audio technology. What an exciting time it was, but light years different from 1981, like space exploration was more of an H.G. Wells fantasy than reality to 1950 America, but aeons advanced by post 1970. The technology behind audio mastering software programs is fairly simple for anyone to learn and use, even without more than the most basic computer skills. And it's really fun to use, along with time-stretching samplers, and Midi techniques that expand the capabilities of audio, learning and applying effects like phase-shifting, reverb, digital delay (echo), distortion; all this you can do effortlessly with simple software, and can even be applied to your own personal library of songs you want to custom edit rather than just playback. That's getting the most out of your music computer and digging it for what it can do.


And now back to our regularly scheduled program.

Who says violence is not the answer?


So maybe they should have waited thirteen years to make it? lol. What I found to be really funny was that for a movie about a guy who does sound for a living, how truely horrible the sound and the sound effects were. And I know someone's going to say something about it being 1981 and technology this and that. But George Lucas was among many people doing amazing sound for motion pictures as far back as 1977.

Anybody know what the make and model of the reel to reel and the shotgun mic they used in the movie was?


Seems Buck Swope has taken a giant leap forward. Hi-Fi and beyond the infinite.



Regarding model of tape recorder, I was just wondering the same thing.
According to this page it's a Nagra II, dunno about the mike.

In fact you can just make out the letters "...ELSK..." on the tape recorder just before Travolta records the accident. These letters form part of the inventor's surname Stefan Kudelski.


Funny. That little bit of trivia came up in casual conversation back stage at a show I was working! I got to just rattle it off like it should have been common knowledge to anyone.


is this about the movie Blow Out? Seems like you're talking about something else.

This movie would not have been half as dramatic if it had been made with Travolta's character using a digital recorder.


it's kinda funny watching this film, seeing him have to store a room full of tapes when you could fit all those sounds on a thumb drive now

but then again, i'm not so sure, lol -


Well yeah, but he had great sounding analog smooth-curve tapes instead of crappy digital approximations.


including all the tape hiss....

Hitler! C'mon, I'll buy you a glass of lemonade.


I think that in relation to character the leap forward in digital has come at the expense of the skill and specialty of the technician and the mystery of their craft that makes for better story telling. For me it's just inherently more dramatic to see the mechanics of tape or film running through a machine or someone developing pictures in a red lit dark room like a mad scientist rather than someone sitting and clicking a mouse while staring at a screen.




What?? Like you're adding your own reverb to Dark Side of the Moon - or something to that (pun intended) effect? Sacrilege!! That is NOT getting the most out of a computer, dude.
