
Bitter Harvest is about a young couple who are starting to have their own cattle ranch. After the farmer gets a new shipment of feed for his cattle he notices that some of the cattle including a calf that was born dead had things wrong with them. He has a vet come look at his cattle, and the vet says that nothing is wrong with them. The farmer decided to start to research on his own and realizes that it was the AF10 that had been put into the food that was causing the diseases. Nobody would listen to him so he decided to get camera crews out to his ranch and kill all of his cattle so that the public would realize that their could be PBB in their milk. This movie shows the reality of how one little mistake can cause a big disaster. The chemicals started out only in the cows then was spread to people because of the cows milk and then that was spread to their kids and on down the line.


Just a question, I'm not sure if you have seen the movie.

Is there a scene in the movie or near the end where they pull down the barn and there are a lot of rats or mice?

Or the dead cows are put in a big hole?

I saw a movie years ago that was about a dairy farm with dead cows and lots of rats.


Yes, this is the movie. I saw this movie when I was little and it freaked me out for many years after.


I just wanted to point out that this full movie is available online right on IMDB on the title page, if anyone wants to watch it. I bought it on Ebay on videotape and while I haven't watched it in a while, I don't recall rats at the end. There were rats earlier in other scenes who were shown to have died from eating the poisoned feed.

At the end, the cows were led into a hole and shot, it is a very gripping scene. Great movie.


That's exactly how the rats fit in. They had been eating the feed and they died in the barn. And yes, the end was very gripping. Thanks for letting me know that the full movie can be seen on line but I don't think I'll ever be ready to watch it again. Like I said, it depressed me for many years after having seen it the first time.


I believe it was a dairy farm, not a cattle ranch.
