Anyone know where I can find this on DVD?

I havent owned a VCR since 1998...

and amazon was $50.00 for the VHS...rediculous

or maybe is it possible to watch online?


Oh god me 2! I would love to see this movie.

add me on msn!!!! [email protected] i get bored and want someone to talk to [smile2]





thank you, to youtube i must go

Thunderbirds Aren't Slow



Folks at


are interested.

Frederic Kahler


yeah, CBS needs to get this on DVD soon

(start sig)

Good advice


It is available on You Tube but there is no sound on Part 4.

If you still have the VHS tape and it's still viewable, then I would suggest converting it to DVD for your own private use (not for resale).

Good luck!


I wish it was on DVD. I bought it on eBay (very expensive). It was originally a rental as the "please rewind" label is on the cassette. The color is going...red turns to blue; blue turns to green and the skin tone of the actors is turning into an amazing color of lavender. Otherwise, it's still viewable.

I hate to say it but I think the media would have to focus on the diseases to prompt a DVD release.
