MovieChat Forums > Arthur (1981) Discussion > Funny at age 18, downright amazing at 25...

Funny at age 18, downright amazing at 25.....

Funny, only watching it my 2nd time as I type right now. At 18 its just eh, watched it with my mom, could tell it was funny and enjoyable, but never really got into it.

At age 25, my 2nd time watching, its just amazing, hilarious, Dudley Moore plays such a great charming drunk. Almost relatable. Did I mention I drink a lot? 9/10 <---Rock/Alternative/Reggae/Metal'ish sound from Chicago IL



Wait a minute... who am I here?


One of my all time favorites.

I won't even watch the remake with Brand. I shudder to think.


I try very hard to pretend that it was never remade with that 'actor'.

The original Arthur is brilliant and I've seen it multiple times, never fails to cheer me up and even after all these years, it's still funny.


I'm 47 and lost track a long time ago of how many times I've seen it. It just gets better.

"It's as if God created the Devil...and gave him...JAWS"


My mom loved this movie when I was a kid. Since I was a kid, the only thing I thought was funny was Arthur's drunken laugh, when Hobson slaps him, and him singing "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town." Also, the end when Susan's father tries to kill Arthur scared me.
I didn't think the other things were that funny and I couldn't understand the romantic side of it. I saw it again when I was in High School and didn't like it because I was into those raunchy Scary Movie-like comedies.
I'm 28 now and I saw it for the 1st time since then just to see what the hype was about, and I love it. Perfect blend of comedy and romance that you can see happening today. I realized how much I missed not watching this all of these years.
