MovieChat Forums > Arthur (1981) Discussion > 'Arthur' remake is a BOMB

'Arthur' remake is a BOMB

24% on Rotten Tomatoes, projected $14 mil gross for the weekend.

Bad reviews, indifferent audiences. Who's really surprised?

Fans of the original can rejoice. Cheers!


Well...the remake was always a good thing. Arthur 81 is now on "very long wait" on Netflix...that would not have happened without the remake giving it free publicity. People that never would have seen the original will now see it.

I hope they remake it again in the 10 years.

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How on Earth can anyone expect Russell Brand to be anywhere near as good as Dudley Moore was? And not just in Arthur but in the more general sense. Dudley was handsome, charming, witty and intelligent, very musically talented, a much funnier comedian, alone or with Peter Cook and a far better actor.
Sorry, but they only share the fact that they are/were both British.
One is a true legend of TV and film, the other is the pathetic sidekick of Jonathan Ross.


People that never would have seen the original will now see it.

its so tuth that is one of the reasons im not against Rip offs and Remakes

i think i would have never discovered Fatal Attarction if it wasnt for obesesed with beyonce and Ali larter


Watch the original again! I just did! You will laugh and laugh and laugh!

And if you have booze while you watch, you will often scream at some of the one liners.

I recommend this experience for everyone this weekend.

The original, not the flop remake, mind you. I don't think you can find a theatre this weekend with the flop remake anyway. Stay home with the booze and the DVD with Dudley, Liza and John.


I wouldn't watch the re-make if you paid me. Last night, I watched original on free PPV movies on Comcast Cable. It was so wonderful! I saw the movie in 1981 in theater and it endures as one of my favorites!! LOVE this film! Funny and heart warming.


As a rule I hate remakes, be they foreign films given the Hollywood treatment or classic films redone.

Arthur is the first remake I liked. I loved it actually.

I love the original, and Arthur 2: On the Rocks. I now love this new Arthur too.
I'm hoping there is a sequel to this new one.

Russell Brand is a match for Dudley Moore in terms of wit and charm and intelligence, and I say that not to disrespect Moore, but to compliment Brand.

Yes, I enjoyed the new version. Maybe you guys should give it another chance.

A couple I know are getting married...
...the fools


You are so right - the new Arthur is GREAT.

Now I loved the original (although I barely remember Arthur 2)

And I saw Arthur about 8 or 9 times over the years - and loved it every time - EXCEPT when I watched it again a few days ago.

WOW - what a disappointment the old Arthur was recently. (And I didn't see the new one until just now.)

I used to rate the 81 Arthur among my top 30 fave movies of all time. I LOVED so many of the lines and I could repeat them to you by memory before the characters spoke them - but DARN - when I watched it again a few days ago I hated it.

The 81 Arthur just has NOT aged well. It is dated, and obvious, and juvenile - and Moore just made me squirm in my seat with every line he spoke - and I DID used to love that movie.

So the new Arthur is such an incredible surprise. I thought it was wonderful.

It was modern, timely, hip and stylish, smart and paid great homage to the original. As someone who has completely memorized every line of the original - I loved it when they used the original dialog - and it was done SO MUCH BETTER than the original ! The writers of this version did a great job.


Sometimes a remake turns out to be a good thing. An actor shines new light on a particular role and while the story might be nearly the same it becomes a different point of view. Personally I made no effort to watch the new Arthur and when it did finally come on cable I gave it a shot. Lets just say it couldn't have been much more of a disappointment. You see its not so much that the effort was poor in quality or a particular actor did a less than admirable job. In simple comparison between the Russell Brand and the Dudley Moore versions Mr Brand fell short. Out of a 1 to 10 scale Brand's version might make a 3 and Moore's version a 9. Some things just shouldn't be remade no matter what the possible value in dollars to the studio. Cool Hand Luke wouldn't have a chance no matter the lead attempting to replace Paul Newman.




I really have no problem with the Russell Brand interpretation and I think Helen Mirren was inspired casting as well.
BUT I love the original and I really liked the Susan in the originals well -- who really wasn't such a bad girl.


I couldn't get past the first 30 minutes of that *beep* remake. It just goes to show you can't fix what ain't broken.


Most remakes suck. And I think a lot of them lose money. I have no idea why Hollywood keeps trying to remake movies.


I'd rather see an Arthur 3!

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


I couldn't help but notice you rated the remake a 10. So why would you rather see an Arthur 3? Did you actually see A2 On the Rocks? Dreadful film, and a flop.

Maybe RB should do a remake of the sequel -- I'm sure you'd rate it an 11.


I NEVER rated the remake a 10! I never even saw it and likely never will! Edit: I just checked and I don't know HOW my rating shows 10! It must just be a mistake so I changed it to a 1!

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


Odd that you changed it to a 1, yet haven't seen it. Then again, I checked out some of your other 1 ratings, and there was Dallas 2012.

Just last month, you posted on that board:

If there was a season 4 I would watch but if not then I'm ok with that too!

I would not have minded if it came back too.
How do you justify a 1 rating if you would have continued watching it?


Because I'm upset the show was hijacked by the Mexican cartel which is something the original Dallas creators would have NEVER done. But it is still Dallas and has remnants of the legendary show so I would have continued watching yet because it turned into Mexico City it was axed!

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!
