MovieChat Forums > Arthur (1981) Discussion > His hysterical laughing in the beginning...

His hysterical laughing in the beginning...

...I made it my mother's ringtone =)
Even when I'm visiting her and we're at the same table, she'll call it just for a giggle.

"There, wolf. There, castle."


That's awesome.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


I love it! That's a great idea. Dudley Moore was great in this movie, but his laughing in the beginning of this movie was downright hysterical. If I ever need a laugh (a lot these days), I put the beginning of that movie on and just crack up.

"God makes me nervous when you get Him indoors!"


Sometimes I just think funny things!


Sometimes I just think funny things!

Arthur did say that, didn't he?

You know what, I've said the same thing time and again in my life - and it's always TRUE! You know how Arthur laughed hysterically when he fell out of the limo? Ya know how he kept laughing at everything he was saying to the hooker he picked up? remember how he was laughing in his sleep, to the point where he woke himself up (he did wake himself up, didn't he?). Remember how he was always laughing cause he was drunk?

Well, I'M THE SAME WAY. Except I'm stone cold sober when I do this.

yah. 100% true.

"So don't mind if I fall apart
there's more room in a broken heart"


Sometimes I just think funny things!

This might just be my favorite line in the film, only because I can relate it to so much. I’ll be in, say, the locker room and recall a line from a movie or something a friend said and just start laughing. Not an ideal situation—laughing to yourself in a roomful of naked men—but what can you do?


I don't know, seems the perfect place to giggle...especially if you happen to be sitting near the one old dude who walks around totally naked and takes WAY too long drying himself off...if you know what I mean?


I don't know, seems the perfect place to giggle...especially if you happen to be sitting near the one old dude who walks around totally naked and takes WAY too long drying himself off...if you know what I mean?

I know exactly, painfully, what you mean. There's one old dude in particular at my gym whom I've never actually seen work out - but there he is in the locker room, night after night, shooting the breeze or shaving or whatever-ing, full junk. Young guys, on the other hand, fat or thin, are naked for all of three seconds - when they're taking off underwear or when they're putting on underwear - save for when they're in the shower.



If you had $750 million you could laugh all day too! 

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!

