MovieChat Forums > Arthur (1981) Discussion > I Always Loved This Movie

I Always Loved This Movie

Dudley Moore always made the best drunk, especially in this movie. He wasn't bad in "10", but much better in this one. He really was a funny actor(except for that horrid Salkind "Santa Clause: The Movie"). I miss his Arthur, especially when I think of the Russel Brand abomination. Never got him, never will.

The gunshot holds no fear


I Always Loved This Movie
I'm with you.

But don't you hate Perry's wife??


Wait a minute... who am I here?


Have you met Perry's wife? She's horrible!

Everyone who drinks is not a poet. Maybe some of us drink because we're not poets.


My doctor has advised me that I must drink ten of these an hour

I'm against picketing, but I don't know how to show it. RIP Mitchell


I LOVED when he first went to Minneli's apartment. He was so freakin drunk, he got the wrong apartment building. He ended up, going to an apartment door that he would completely regret. When Harry's wife bursts out, screaming in the worst voice imaginable, "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!"

OMG. I love the way those 3 interact. It's freakin hilarious.

Arthur is urging Harry to get back inside, because the cranky old creature is gonna kill him. I loved that.


centurion you said it the best Dudley Moore made the best drunk


I think fish must get awfully tired of seafood. What are your thoughts, Hobson?

Fall-down funny!!


LukeLovesFilm28, the guy's name is Perry, not Harry!
