MovieChat Forums > Arthur (1981) Discussion > why did martha give him his money

why did martha give him his money

Ive seen this many times why did martha give arthur his money back? or de-disinheirit him?
it seemed rather... sudden
some random snap disision on her part
what was that about?
what was her motivation
she seemed so adamant that he marry susan
and then.. just like that
u can have ur money back.


Martha (and Arthur's father) clearly wanted Arthur to marry Susan, a classy woman of money who would get Arthur on the right path. To do this, they threatened (promised) to dis-inherit Arthur if he didn't marry Susan, and this ploy certainly worked, right up to the time of the wedding ceremony.

When Arthur professed his love for Linda and backed out of the wedding, Martha realized that Arthur was trading the money for love, something that surprised her I'm sure. The thought of Arthur being poor didn't sit well with her. She said that there had never been a "working class" Boch and there never would be.

At that point, she changed her mind.

It is bad to drink Jobu's rum. Very bad.


What you said - I've personally known enough wealthy people (old or ex-friends - I was even best man to one) in my lifetime to know that one thing wealthy people despise is - the poor, and Aunt Martha as she said was not going to allow that to happen to Arthur, even if he wouldn't marry Susan, so she gave him his $750 million inheritance...

I'd be very happy with 1/10,000 of that - but that's just wishful thinking as usual...


one thing wealthy people despise is - the poor
Don't you think that a bit overstated. There is no one attitude of all rich people. Or maybe I've just had contact with a better subset of them than you have.

Now if you want to say they "despise the thought of ever being poor".....then there is a real point.


I kind of expected a middle ground. Not cutting him off completely, not 750 million, but an income that would be allow him to live solidly upper middle class.


That part of the movie makes no sense. Martha and Arthur's dad were adamant that Arthur must marry Susan to keep the money. The only reason they suddenly change their mind at the end is just to please the audience!

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


After it all she still loved Arthur. She was also a snob so when heard him going on about how great his life will be as a poor person it was all too much for her. Love of a grandmother plus snobbery bests poverty.

He's taking the knife out of the Cheese!
Do you think he wants some cheese?


It makes NO sense they put very strict conditions to get the money and when he disobeys Martha says "oh forget it.You can have the money anyway!". LOL!

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


It made plenty of sense to me on a couple different levels. They were using the money to get Arthur to do what they wanted. He called their bluff and they caved. He was an only child and there is no way on earth they were ever going to just let the Bach name die. Second, his grandmother only pretended to be the "ruthless" bitch. She gave Bert Johnson the smack down and saw how truly in love Arthur was and what a great person Linda was. She sat there in the church for a long time watching them and it actually touched her "cold" heart.

I would say my memory is not what it used to be. But I don't remember what my memory used to be.


What you said - I've personally known enough wealthy people (old or ex-friends - I was even best man to one) in my lifetime to know that one thing wealthy people despise is - the poor, and Aunt Martha as she said was not going to allow that to happen to Arthur, even if he wouldn't marry Susan, so she gave him his $750 million inheritance...

I'd be very happy with 1/100,000 of that - but that's just wishful thinking as usual...


Why did she give Arthur the money? To please the audience.


“I took the money. I mean I'm not crazy.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


The whole story was a fantasy, so why not a feel-good, happy happy joy joy Hollywood ending?

Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


Because he gave her the right answer. He chose love over money.

~ the hardest thing in this world... is to live in it ~


......because even though he disobeyed her wishes, she still loved her grandson.

100% Comic Book Purist, and Bloody Proud of it !
