MovieChat Forums > Arthur (1981) Discussion > One thing I'm surprised hasn't been disc...

One thing I'm surprised hasn't been discussed here

Now I haven't yet seen this flick( and I intend to, as soon as possible) but from the pics it seems that both Moore and Minelli were pretty ugly actors. So my question is, which film beats Arthur as having the ugliest leads?

If you know from where this has been stolen PM


In some scenes I couldn't believe how uncanny Moore looks like Rowan Atkinson(mr Bean)....and as for miz ugly dogs backside has more appeal.


I thought they both looked great, as long as we're talking about Arthur.

I did not think either of them looked all that good in Arthur 2, and that Blu-ray cover of the Arthur/Arthur 2 combo is a promo shot (and, to me, a bad one) from Arthur 2.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


Wow, no insults. Hope this thread doesn't die though. My question in the OP still stands.

If you know from where this has been stolen PM


I think Dudley Moore was a relatively handsome little guy, and as for Liza, well here's my post from another thread: It's weird, but when I first saw Liza's face in this movie I almost freaked out because of how ugly I initially thought she was... but then as the movie progressed and I saw more of her character's personality and traits, not to mention her hot body, I found her more and more attractive until, by the end of the movie, I was like, yeah! she's really cute - face and all. It's testament to how perceptions change as we get to know people and so look beyond just their looks. A woman could be a total 10 babe in the face and body department but have the personality of a witch and I would find her very unattractive; or a woman could look like Liza and have the cute sweetness and directness of her character in Arthur and I'll wind up falling for her.

Watch Bedbug on YouTube at




Actually many women found Moore to be the "cute and cuddly" type.

He's taking the knife out of the Cheese!
Do you think he wants some cheese?


That is true; Dudley was "cute and cuddly" in this movie. I don't think Liza is ugly at all. I think she is also considered cute.


Liza was attractive in her time. Not classically beautiful like Deneuve or Hayworth but very sexy and charming. A great modern and strong character too. Luv her voice to this day!


Obadiah Obadiah, Jah Jah sent us here to catch vampire


Recently saw her in Sex and the City 2 movie -- and she's amazingly fit and looks pretty darn marvelous. Now in this movie she's cute. Not ravishing (to quote her in Caberet) but really cute.


I think they were both very attractive in this movie. The party scene where she was dressed up in her fancy Halston outfit that Hobson bequeathed to her showed how how lovely she was. As for Dudley, he was adorable. I wish more movies featured men who are his size. I think he was sexy. So did Susan Anton if anybody remembers her, LOL.


I think part of the charm is that they both looked like regular people, nothing amazing, but nothing horrible. They just happened to be born into two very different financial places in life.



Are you kidding? The 80s was the heyday of jiggle, from Baywatch to aerobics. Crap decade.

"Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"


Every decade has it's share of MAWs (model, actress, whatever) with big teats.

"The heyday of jiggle" was Charlie's Angels (1976-81). Those girls weren't big, but they were often bra-less.

Baywatch was entirely a 1990's phenomena.

The 1980's was a terrific decade. Ronald Reagan chased Jimmy Carter's moroseness away, resulting in a fantastic economy + no major wars (Cold War over by decade's end).


Are you kidding? The 80s was the heyday of jiggle, from Baywatch to aerobics. Crap decade.

"Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"


Liza is GORGEOUS. And Dud was considered attractive too ???????


Liza looked hot in this, acquired taste I know but she really did it for me back then.


It's gotta be a Barbra Streisand flick. A Star is Born?

"Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"
