
According to my film teacher, this movie wasn't controversial at all when it came out, but it became controversial when it was released on dvd. I can't find anything to support this, but I need to write an essay on it so I was wondering if anyone could help. thanks



I saw it in theiaters, and dont remember any controversey

what was the problem- alcoholism as comedy?


not much controversy when it came out...but times had changed when DVD arrived...alcoholism is not PC to make fun of anymore!

The universe has to move forward. Pain and loss, they define us as much as happiness or love. SJS


Even in the remake he ends up joining AA at the end -- *sigh*


He joined AA in the sequel too, not that he ever made it to a meeting...

The main reason that Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live


Meetings? They have meetings?


Well, for one, Arthur is driving to his father's party and drinking all the way there.


I was an avid movie-goer in the early 1980s, and I do remember a bit of controversy when the film came out, some humorless people saw it as condoning or celebrating alcoholism. Most people just laughed, because it was and is a very funny movie, and it doesn't condone alcoholism anyway. It's a movie about an antihero who has to change his ways and does, a sort of story that is more often played as a serious Oscar-hungry drama than a fluffy comedy.

So sorry if nobody can remember the details of the controversy, because the movie is the sort of piffle that nobody sane takes seriously, and that nobody remembers that much about decades later. Except one nutty teacher.
