Tube scene

The tube attack is an absolute masterful scene - the build up, the tension, the sheer horror of the chase, it’s brilliant!

I’ve always had this thought though. During the sequence, when the man hops over that barrier or fence or whatever it is, it always feels like perhaps he’ll escape the creature. Anybody else have this feeling? That he might just get away. Alas though it isn’t meant to be and he’s chomped, poor guy.



I loved that scene, the fact we also never see it while it's chasing him. Reminded me a lot of the tension built in Jaws.

The look back down the escalator where we see the werewolf slowly crawling far in the distance (you can see the creepy shadows before its arms appear!) was amazing.


The first time I watched this film was alone, late at night, in a large house during a thunderstorm. This scene is one of the most terrifying things I have ever watched. Thank goodness the film has such a sense of humour to offset the terror, at least a little.


That was the best scene IMO. And yeah I really thought for a moment the guy might get away.


They cheat with the POV shots because of budget, but it still works.


Thanks for all the great replies guys 👍


It wouldn’t have caught me! I don’t understand the reason for giving up after all that running. It gives new meaning to fight or flight: “freeze”!
