MovieChat Forums > American Pop (1981) Discussion > 3 questions (please answer)

3 questions (please answer)

1:why is it rated R?
2:can someone further explain the plot and how fast it progresses,how the dialogue etc.,the story seems kinda weird
thanx in advance
3:whats the animation like?


1. I'd say it got an R rating in the US primarily because of the drug themes (i.e. - a character overdoses, people smoke pot, a major character sells cocaine). Also, there are a few scattered profanities. Still, it's rather tame by today's standards.

2. The plot of "American Pop" progresses quite fast over four generations, starting with Russian immigrant and vaudville performer Zalmie, then continuing with Benny, his pianist son, Benny's hippie radical son Tony and finally, concluding the story with Tony's illegitimate son, Pete. I just watched the film and I can say that while the story is initially interesting, it tries to do way too much in the span of 90 minutes. This is ultimately a mediocre film.

3. The animation is rotoscoped, meaning the film's sequences were for the most part shot with live actors and the resulting footage was later animated. All in all, the animation is often beautiful to look at, but sometimes primitive. If you want to see where the rotoscoping technique has progressed, check out Richard Linklater's excellent "A Scanner Darkly."


1. I saw it in the theatre when it first came out, and I could have sworn there was nudity in the love scenes much like the movie's contemporary, "Heavy Metal". Did I hallucinate this?


yes u did, the only nudity here is a males bare chest
