
(UM...Possible spoilers...nothing major tho)

I'm sorry...I'm as patriotic a Canadian as you'll come across, but even I have to admit that this is a poor example of the "hollywood north" sub-genre. This is one of those movies that is trying to be serious, but almost seems like a spoof (read: Airport '79). Aside from a couple of good performances by Saul Rubinek (as a paranoid who it turns out really isn't) and Bob Mitchum (as a really sinister dude who you wouldn't want to work for in real life), the film is wretchedly acted, directed, written, and especially edited (with one notable exception, a scene involving Lee Majors and Valerie Perrine listening to a tape recording of Rubinek). On the other hand, the commercials (or is it just commercial? there's only one visual one, the rest are audio) are really, really (unintentially?) funny. You've got a Studio54(tm) type dance number mascarading as a deodorant commercial, that turns out to have neo-nazi subliminal messages underneath. When Majors finally stumbles onto (and views) the raw, unmasked subliminal message, believe me, you'll laugh so hard that you'll be in puddles of piss afterward. It's as if Hitler hired Edward D. Wood, Jr. as his p.r. guy.



