MovieChat Forums > Tenko (1981) Discussion > Who Is Your Favourite Tenko Character?!

Who Is Your Favourite Tenko Character?!

I have started a topic where you can dedicate a page to your favourite Tenko character! With so many characters to choose from like the cockney rebel Blanche Simmons to the straight and down to earth Dr. Beatrice Mason I know it's hard to choose from.

Personally my favourite character is Sally Markham who is portrayed by Joanna Hole. This is due to her vast, expansive storyline that she incurs through her time in the series.

This typically English girl starts from having all she wants in the world-a loving husband and a baby on the way and all is taken from her due to the masogonistic ways of camp life.

Her character also explores issues that were a touchy subject when the series was originally broadcast (1981-1984). Her issues included lesbianism due to her close friendship with Nellie Keane (Jeananne Crowley), stillbirth from the death of her baby Eleanor, sicide from smashing a mirror she bought from Verna Johnson (Rosemary Martin) to replace Christina Campbell's (Emily Bolton) broken mirror. You can tell from this short paragraph that this character went through the mill and at such a young age.

The character was bearly out of her teens and was such a loss to the cast of Tenko. However, on a brighter note, in the early stages of camp life, well, only portrayed in the first camp in season one, was how plucky and bright she held her personality which annoyed the vain Mrs. Van Meyer. Sally came across as such a sweet, well brought up girl who didn't have a bad bone in her body.

Vote for Sally as best Tenko character!!!


My favourite was Beatrice. I know she could be irritatingly bad tempered at times, but she was the strongest one there (well perhaps jointly with Ulrica) and I just loved her practical, no-nonsense approach to getting things done and basically surviving. In fact, with no disrespect to Ann Bell, I don't know why Stephanie Cole didn't have top billing in the show seeing as she was the one who appeared the most.



Joss, totally has to be Joss. In fact, the more Josses that are around, the better off we would all be. I was also gutted by the loss of Joss.


Definitely Joss Holbrook! The epitaph on her gravestone "Fight the good fight!" was so apt!

I also liked Dominica "Metro Goldwyn" Mayer! A real character you loved to hate!


I must list Jos Holbrook as one of the best but by the end my favorite was Dorothy Bennett. She started out being so wimpy and then after the death of her baby turning into the "good girl gone bad", but in the end --- by the time of Tenko Reunion, she was the most successful of the group. A clear and not always true example of difficulty making one stronger. I also was very fond of Marion...hers was a very difficult job for which she got little credit...she held everybody together through it all and her life had fallen apart by the end


I love a baddie! Verna is so utterly corrupt and self-serving.

That unforgettable sequence when Yamauchi wants to talk to Marion, as he has "worked with her" before, but isn't interested in speaking to Verna. Afterwards, Verna's remark to Marion "don't you ever do that to me again" is so filled with hatred and humiliation. Brilliant. Rosemary Martin really made the most of a brilliant role (as did all the actresses: what a gift those scripts must have been).


Gosh, how to choose!

I've a fondness for Big Bea, also Marion, Rose and Kate Norris.

I agree that Sally's character had enormous depth and Dorothy's character changed considerably during the course of all three series and, of course, the reunion, giving her a lovely 'journey'.

I would probably though have to go with the consensus and agree that Joss Holbrook takes the prize. I love the way that she makes Metro Goldwyn pale into insignificance as a real lady.

I can watch this wonderful, multi-layered series so many times, and still not get tired of it.


MY favourite character has to be Rose. She was so selfish and stuck up at the beginning but towards the end she became more likeable. Her friendship with Blanche was brilliant and I loved when she told Beatrice it was the first time she felt like she had a friend. The only thing that annoyed me slightly about her was that Stephanie Beacham always managed to look like she had stepped into a Hollywood film wheras the other women looked more realistic in their depiction of being stuck in a Prison Camp. Her hair was always very glamourous. Apart from that Rose was BRILLIANT!

Sawyer: So, you screwing Jack yet?
Juliet: No, are you?


Yamauchi for me!


I really like Dr. Beatrice,

On the inside of her tough emotionless shell, was a very sensitive character who very much cared for those around her, trying to seek order and sense in a world of chaos.

She is a very gutsy character who is not afraid to break the rules in order to save a life.
She hides her true feelings within herself,
Stephanie Cole portrays this beautifully.

She is very much a justice seeking and selfless character stuck in a hopeless situation.
You can feel the frustration in her as she tries to hold herself, day in and day out, asking herself if there really is a God and a future for herself and those that are stuck within the POW camp.

The other reason I like Dr. Beatrice is because she reminds me very much of my older sister. ;)


Bea gradually driving herself out of her mind, losing her eyesight and becoming obsessed with all those who have died and she was not able to save, is beautifully done. Her righteous anger at Yamauchi after the war is over, and her breakdown while dancing in Raffles, reveal so much. With a long face and hands thrust deep into her pockets, hiding her sexuality and living for her job, Bea is brilliant.


I thought that Burt Kwok was outstanding. He made his character multi-layered and interesting, and not entirely unsympathetic.

Of the prisoners, I like Bea and Dorothy for the reasons already described.

Josephine Welcome's Miss Hassan was memorable. Creepy and fascinating.


Too many to choose from, Bea, Dorothy & Joss being favourites for me too - but Sister Ulrika was possibly my favourite. The story lines about her friendship with Dorothy were brilliant, she changed her own feelings about her religion whilst always keeping her faith strong.

Mrs Van Meyer also deserves a mention - infuriating in the extreme, but by the end of the series she's quite a sympathetic character.


Either Dr. Mason, Marion, Sister Ulrika or Blanche. They were very strong no-nonsense women.

I actually grew to like Mrs. van Meyer towards the end, when you realised she actually had human emotions beyond self-indulgence.


There are a few moments earlier int he series where Metro Goldwyn comes across as quite sensitive. She participates in the camp concert even though she is unwell with Beri Beri. After Rose is shot, she comforts Bobby (as Lillian is too mad to deal with him) and also keeps Blanche company while Blanche waits for news of Rose. When the chips are down, Metro can be quite caring. Her bravery in Reunion is hinted at, well in advance.


my favourite was dorathy, after that sister ulrica.


Big Bea. A very complex character, wonderfully played by Stephanie Cole.
