MovieChat Forums > Sons and Daughters (1982) Discussion > Rowena Wallace or Belinda Giblin?

Rowena Wallace or Belinda Giblin?

I prefer Rowena any day. I don't know how anyone could be expected to believe Alison Carr was really Pat with a new face. She was also a good deal shorter. When Rowena comes back as Pamela Hudson, the long lost twin, this difference in height makes it very hard to accept they were once identical twins.

Love is never having to say you're sober.


I liked them both as belinda played alison with a bit of a heart so i sort of didnt see her as patricia but as alison


The difference in body mass was striking as well. Belinda Giblin was skinny and Rowena Wallace was a porker.


For me Belinda Giblin. She was so beautiful, i was always on her side.


For me it's Rowena as I'm a great fan of the early series. Whilst Belinda was more svelte and her character had a softer edge I found the whole thing of her as the new Pat barrel scraping to say the least.

