Wearing jackets

I loved this show when I was a kid but I always wondered why AJ and Rick were always wearing jackets. It was freaking San Diego for gods sake!


Rick and A.J. wore jackets because they were always carrying firearms.


Why didn't I think of that? Thanks man!


I noticed that in seasons 2 & 3, AJ wears the same brand of jacket, with a specially sewn 'V' on the back. But he has different colors. I've seen a tan one, a maroon one and there was another color, too, I think.

I also noticed the kinds of jeans they are wearing. Rick of course wears more worker-type jeans, and AJ's are designer jeans. And in the back pocket of Rick's we usually see a can of chewing tobacco.


Yep, been to San Diego during all seasons, never felt the need for a jacket. I also have a conceal carry permit and have no problem concealing my gun in shorts and a tee shirt. They design holsters for that purpose. My own personal theory is that the producers weren't comfortable with the actors lack of muscle tone which was pretty common among actors in the 80's. Look at Lt. Brown, he had muscle tone and we rarely saw him in a jacket. In season 1 Rick is often wearing a tank top and his arms looked pretty sad, especially for a supposed Marine vet.


Lack of muscle tone?! Rick's whipcord strong, and AJ very clearly works out. Blimey, they have him get his shirt off whenever they can get away with it.

I find concussion quite invigorating.


I just watched Season 4's Revolution #9 1/2 where they go to a tropical island and didn't wear their trademark jackets. Got a really good look at their arms. I didn't say they had no muscle tone, they just lack it. Whipchord strong? huh.
