
I never understood why pee-wee's playhouse is aired on Adult Swim why, I didnt see any mature things in it?




My name is Josh! Or as the ladies know me....Hey, You! Behind The Bushes.


i think there is alot about it that is very much entertaining to adults. and beeing that his career has been marred by police arrest scandels
(one for supposed child pornography), some parents might find pee wee's playhouse offensive to watch for their children. i dont beleive it to be offensive at all, if anything it is a very educational, entertaining show for kids to learn about many different things in life. i remeber watching playhouse with my uncle when i was a kid and he was laughing just as hard if not harder than me at the hillarity of the show. so i beleive its for adults, as well as kids. long live pee wee!


Heil Pee Wee.
Reubens Fan.


Well, there is some that is mature that really only adults would get. But it's very minor compared to the HBO Special.

I really want the show moved to regular hours because my daughter LOVES it and it's way too late at night for her to watch. Maybe it's a plot to get me to buy the DVDs so I can avoid the ads on Adult Swim which really AREN'T for kids.



When Hammy's zipper is accidentally down Pee-Wee Says "Do you have a license to sell hot-dogs?" That was considered raunchy when I was seven years old.
