This American Life

National Public Radio's This American Life had a surprise mention of this series in last week's show, and the producers managed to dig up the theme song, which features the three main stars singing together. It was very sweet, and really took me back.

I thought this was a good show, but when it was on, I was eleven. Looking at the premise now, I think it began to explore lots of ideas about broken families that were only just being looked at. I remember the little girl one time saying that kids in her class called her a bastard because she didn't know who her father was.

I remember that Tony Randall really had some powerful moments in this series. I'm a little scared to want to see the episodes today because they might seem cheesey, but I know that Randall's part was a strong one, and it would be nice to watch him at the top of his game again.


After all these years, I still remember the episode with Itzhak Perlman, and Randall's **priceless** reaction when his Sidney character, who doesn't recognize the world-famous violinist at first, is jolted to recognition upon Perlman asking, "Haven't you seen my American Express commercial?" Hilarious!!
