episode help...

I watched a bit of an episode a little while ago and I found it so funny. But I don't know what the name of it was or anything. All I remember is that they were at the river for some reason, (not sure why) and they had to carry a message to somewhere/someone. But the message kept changing and one by one they all ending up getting in the river to swim to the next person to change the message. I know it's not much to go on, but if someone does know which episode I am talking about, could you post the name of it please? thanks


My reaction may be a bit late, but I only recently found out which episode you mean...I hope this helps:

You mean an episode from series 6, called "The Dhobi Wallahs," in which Lofty is swimming down a river with a raft full of explosives to blow up a bridge. Then the officers get a message on the radio that the plan is changed and Gloria is sent after Lofty to tell him not to blow up the bridge. The message keeps changing, so eventually Gunner Mackintosh and Gunner Clark end up in the water as well.

Is this the episode you meant? I only just got the DVD of series 6, so I couldn't find out earlier...

Darling, We're the Young Ones
Hammersmith Hardwoman #11
