were sorry for the inconvienience

in so long and thanks for all the fish marvin reads gods final message and shuts down , i was just wondering does he come back in mostly harmless

"Black haired man jump in the water..............shark in the water



great to see another fan!

No, Marvin doesn't make another appearence. and neither does zaphod if memory serves.

All in all the fith book is a bit of a dissappointment, but i'd say read it non the less. it's just not as good as the first 3, and slightly worse than the fourth.

hope this helps.



Mostly harmless did suffer with not having marvin but once you got that far in reading why the hell not finish the so called 5 set trilogy


In the end, I think it was a pretty bad move to have all the characters split up after the third book. For me, it was still funny, but not as fun as it had been when Zaphod was constantly insulting Arthur and they were getting into trouble together.


The trouble with Mostly Harmless is that DNA was going through a divorce at the time of writing. That said, I also consider 'So Long...' to be pretty poor (with the exception of God's Last Message.)
By the way, has anyone here read 'The Salmon of Doubt'(a collection of hitherto unpublished pieces released after his death)? It includes the first few chapters of a new Dirk Gently novel, an they are *beep* awesome. He really was back on form at this point. Such a tragedy that he died so young.

'Seven high schools in seven states and the only thing different was my locker combination'



I think I read somewhere that by "Mostly Harmless" DNA was sick of his characters (just like Arthur Conan Doyle was sick of Sherlock Holmes). That was kinda disappointing, but DNA was going through a rough patch in his life at that point.

I also prefer the first three books, as well as the radio play, and the computer game. There's also a book-on-tape read by Peter Jones. It's a bit short, but at least it has the original voice of the Guide...

"What do we do now?"
"Enjoy it..."


The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy explains in its entry on The Restaurant at the End of the Universe that you can dine with the whole infinity of creation (this is, of course, impossible). The way I think the restaurant works is that you can either set up a reservation while you're still alive, or you go there right after you die as a sort of Last Meal before you go to heaven, hell, or wherever it is that followers of Zarquon, the Great Green Arkleseizure or Whoever go when they die. That's the only way I could explain the whole infinity of creation being able to eat in the same place at the same time, including a deactivated dejected Plastic Pal from the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation.


Well, not in the books, but the radio series has a deus ex machina epilogue which includes Marvin still being under warranty and getting his job back in the car park.
