Two characters in a week

Sad that Michael Conrad died. But why did they kill off Howard Hunter? The last episode I saw he committed suicide. They didn't actually show the actual second of it because they started the credits and you heard the bang. I am waiting for the next episode, but I thought he was a good character. Maybe a bit cliche.


Conrad died in 1984 and James B Sikking's credit for HSB goes to 1987. So in terms of the show the two characters' deaths were not close in terms of a timeline. Hunter was shown as not having any real friends at the precinct and nobody lasting away from work. So presumably loneliness did him in which I thought was a stretch. If somebody remembers anything else relevant to that then please speak up. I don't remember an event causing the suicide but it has been a very long time since I have seen the show.


Aha. I saw this later. The suicide failed.
