The Captain's ex wife

The captain's ex wife, Fay (Faye?) is the most annoying person on the show and maybe even in the world.


That's kind of the point. Life was unbearable being married to her. Probably the first divorced character on television to be explored in depth. I was in college for a portion of the show and remember my roommate commenting each time the show was on how much he disliked Fay. As far as being the worst she does not even hold a candle to quite a number of real and fictional women.


She was so annoying, needy and whiny. She brought every one of her problems to her ex-husband to fix and she did it at his workplace!

I used to wonder how he could STAND that woman! I started the third season recently (I'm new to the show) and in the opener, Frank finally pointed out that he was no longer her husband and he couldn't fix her problems.

Barbara Bosson did a great job of portraying one of the biggest pests on TV! Felix Unger of The Odd Couple admitted in one episode that his childhood nickname was "Felix the Pest." I wouldn't be surprised if hers was "Fay the Flaky Pest".
