A Classic Line

The thread right below this one is one about the late Hazel Shermet. As I stated in my reply, she was a guest on three different episodes of this series. As it turns out, the first episode that I ever saw was one that she was in. This episode was called the "Emergency". In this episode, Hazel played a busy body on a hospital pay phone. Those of you who have seen this episode might remember a scene in which Nell needed to make an emergency call home and tried desperately to get this lady off of the phone. She ends up hanging the lady's purse on a gurney pole right before the gurney rolls away. She then pokes the lady and say's "your purse, your purse"! At this point, the lady goes charging after her purse. Over on You Tube, I wrote that, at age 12, I really fell in love with the "your purse, your purse" line. Somebody replied by writing, "it's a classic line"!
