Who owns the rights???

Who currently owns the rights to "Danger Mouse"?


The rights were owned by Thames TV (who owned Cosgrove Hall at the time). Thames have since been subsumed into Freemantle Media who don't seem to understand quite what they're sitting on. It is a vastly underused property. A shame, really.


True. They could do SO much more with this and other Cosgrove Hall cartoons. Count Duckula, Victor & Hugo - Bunglers In Crime, Avenger Penguins etc. They did release some of these but they were only one ore two episodes on DVD that true fans will have on tape anyway. Also, the overuse of tired old stock art (the same image of DM pointing skywards & Penfold cowering behind, the duo running towards the viewer in panic) used again and again and again, is probably not helping their sales. Waken UP Freemantle!
