MovieChat Forums > Danger Mouse (1984) Discussion > Bad Luck Eye of the Little Yellow God (...

Bad Luck Eye of the Little Yellow God (a rant)

I bought the Season 1 and 2 Box set in January. Loved Season One, could watch it over and over again, and laugh each time. Season Two was good, but only one big laugh-the baby vultures singing the worm song while DM is hanging on the branch. But I still thought it was OK, until THE BAD LUCK EYE OF THE LITTLE YELLOW GOD episode. Why, oh why did the producers and/or music director think it was a good idea to start using pre-existing production music? It did not help at ALL! The first piece I kind of get because it had the "sound of urgency" intro as DM and Penfold were going to get pummeled by the sailors on the boat, plus it was a nod to David Jason's "Captain Fantastic" character from "Do Not Adjust Your Set". So, I can give them that one.

Then came the final segment where DM is trying to give the Eye back to the natives and they don't want it. I'm sorry, but THAT cue is just TOTALLY wrong for that scene. I should say that I NEVER liked this cue, it sounds like a kid having a tantrum, and I always know when it's coming by the drumroll with the popping sounds and slide whistle. When I heard it under the dialogue, my reaction was "You've got to be kidding, why aren't they using DM's theme here? I can't believe I gotta listen to this cue!". Could I mute it and still follow the action? No, 'cause there are no captions or subtitles. In my mind it was just totally wrong for the location of the action and the climactic moment. In short, it just ruined what could have been a really clever episode. As a result, I never did watch the episode that introduced COUNT DUCKULA, 'cause I didn't want to chance it again. I was just wondering if I was alone in this. Again, loved Season 1 was disappointed in Season 2.



I think that was someone else:-). Like I said, once I heard that godawful production music cue during the final part of "Bad Luck Eye", I was rather put off. Stiletto's accent never bothered me. I can even do his trademark "Si, Barone", lol. I'm probably missing out on some great DM moments, because of my strong dislike, "CRUMBS!".



Ah, "The Duel", now THAT'S funny! Aren't those singing vultures great?


I COMPLETEY disagree with you. Season 2 was much funnier than the first. And even if it wasn't as good, I would never EVER stop watching it just because of a poor choice of music!

You are a sad little man, you have my pity.


The music was fine - made the scene very funny. Made a change from some of the overused (although still nice) music cues.
