Which DVD release...

Has the episodes serielised into 4 or 5 5-minute segments with the narrator introducing and closing each segment? I just get the impression I'm missing something form my DVDs as some of the editing is a bit clunky.

Also, anyone who has the old VHS tapes remember the intermissions with the DM logo on screen and the narrator yapping to himself under it? They aren't on any DVD set I've come across. Luckily I have the tapes too.


1.Season 2 has 6 of those episodes. Seasons 3 & 4 have the remaining 12 episodes[ of that format ].

2.Oh yeah, I LOVED the Narrator intermissions! I think they were made up for the tapes, unfortunately. Even though I have the complete series on DVD, I'm still going to have to buy the tapes just for the narrator because at least half of them[ there were a dozen ] are priceless! Like when Nero attacked him[ Nice doggy. *RAWRR!* Nice catepilar, CATEPILLAR! ]. Or when he tried to kill that fly[ Studio fly. All studios have them. Studio 5 lost their fly. I think it went up some bishop's nose]. Or when he gave us a tour of the studio[ {at the end} Here's another episode of Danger Mouse! Though whether that will be any saner is unlikely ]. And my all-time favorite one is when Stiletto & Greenback knock him out so that they can tell us to write to the producers of the show & convince to change the show's name to [and make it all about ]... GREENBACK[ Stiletto:Buh bum, OOF! ]! Pure genius[ would have been funnier if they did it on the show, I admit ].


Saves money on animation I guess! So, to clarify, can you confirm that the DVD releases of series 2,3 and 4 have the episodes in this format - can you post the link?
