The twist ending

What was up with the bizarre ending? I heard a car crash then when Harry's brother fall off, i'm sure he was knocked on the head and imagined seeing his brother become Santa Claus and that Harry was falling he imagined himself flying through the night.

"Unicorn, mermaid, vampire,sorceress! No name you'd give her would surprise me i love whom i love"


Expectation; In Harry's mind, he was Santa and flew away.

Reality; Harry fell off the cliff and died a horrible painful death.




This is the answer because you can hear the wreck just before he gets airborne. This also ask the question: what else in the film was just him being delusional?


I think what you are hearing is him crashing through the fence from his brothers perspective. We are shown Harry burst through the fence and then his brother is tumbling down a hill and the sound of him going through the fence is heard again and his brother looks up as he is making lift off. Why would his bro look up if Harry went down?


Yeah it was definitely Harry imagining the van flying but it actually crashed. The director confirms this in the commentary.


"i'm sure he was knocked on the head and imagined seeing his brother become Santa Claus"
People dont hallucinate from a bump on the head, especially when they dont even bump their head.
