Is it.....????

I see "Windows" was released on DVD recently and I was thinking of buying it. Is it really that bad? I saw a clip of this film in a documentary called, "The Celluloid Closet" and I thought it looked intriguing, but a bulk of the reviews seem to be negative. Any thoughts?


It's not a very good film. Gordon Willis took a stab at directing with this one. The photography is quite good, which makes sense. The material is drab.

I remember when this was released there was a little sensation due to the lesbian overtones, but it's very, very tame. And the whole story is quite weak. The film is a bowl of cold oatmeal served by people who should have known better.


It is really that bad. Oh God, is is bad. It is so bad, the only merit is has is it would make a great basis for a "Celluloid Closet" based drinking game, in which the players knock one back every time an archaic lesbo lech stereotype is invoked.

Just to sum it up-- bad.

ETA: "It was winter when love died..." Aaaauugh!


It goes beyond bad. With the sole exception of the photography everything in this film is terrible. A homophobic stupid script, TERRIBLE acting (even Elizabeth Ashley), badly directed (Gordon Willis is a great photographer but not a director) and surprisingly dull when not offensive. Everyone involved with this has bad mouthed it over the years--Willis and Ashley especially. I was "lucky" enough to see it in a theatre back in 1980 and was shocked at how truly terrible it was.


You had to see this piece of crap on the big screen?

My sympathies, man.


LOL Thanks. The reviews trashed the movie to pieces and I was curious to see if it was really that bad. It wasn't--it was WORSE!!! I remember the audience laughing at how bad the film was and the sarcastoic applause at the end:)


LOL! The bonding you all experienced no doubt soothed the pain...


It's tedious, flat, lacks purpose, atmosphere, pace, interesting characters...nuff said?


The question is: Is it bad cuz it has bad lesbian representation or is it bad cuz of narration, drama and character development.

Cuz if its bad cuz of the first thing than that is nonsense. Lesbians can be just as stalky as the rest of us. And a "lesbian story" just cuz of lesbianism is kind of dull. But a murdering lesbian! Now that could be something ;-)


It's the narration, drama, and character development thing. I only brought up the lesbian archetype thing as a potential drinking game perk, which would actually make watching the film entertaining.


Well, if you really really REALLY feel like watching it, it is here.

-Goodnight, mother of six!
-Goodnight, father of two!


You are a cruel, cruel human being.
