Dennis Hopper as HST?

Many years ago, well before the film version of Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas was released, i was talking to my friend about Where The Buffalo Roam and he thought Dennis Hopper should have played Hunter. They do look alike. I'm surprised i have never heard his name when i read about the other candidates considered to play him. Of course he's too old now, but does anyone think he could have played him in Buffalo or if Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas was made in the 1970's?


Depp was great in Fear and Loathing, but I think Dennis Hopper might have been able to do Buffalo better than Bill Murray. Murray was kind of lacking the kind of intensity as HST that Depp had and Hopper might have been able to bring.


Come on now. I used to like Hopper. But he has always been over rated. If you think that's an unfair statement just ask yourself if he has, or had, the basic skills to imitate the vocal delivery of HST?

"So I'm a what of it?" - Renaldo


Depp's character is based on a hybrid fictional character, Raoul Duke. He's a tad bit more intensified than than the real HST, which was actually Hunter's real beef with the book. People always expected him to be Duke. If you watch any of the documentaries, (especially Fear and Loathing in Gonzovision, the BBC film) you can see for yourself that Murray was more true to the character of HST than Depp was.


In fear and loathing that was supposed to be thompson... read the book. And ofcourse he would be intensified, HE WAS ON A 5 DAY DRUG BINGE, which also did happen although it is slightly exaggerated



Thompsons life was a drug binge


Funny you bring up Dennis Hopper. I was just thinking that Peter Boyle, as Acosta, looks a lot like Dennis Hopper. It's just that he looks absolutely nothing like Acosta a big mexican "buffalo". So that wouldn't work, and HST? no i do not think he would do a better job then Murray, i even think that murray does a better job then Depp, he only doesn't look like HST, and Depp's performance is funnier and more characteristic then Murray's. But when you look at the real Thompson in the 80's then you will see he behaves exactly like Murphy acts. (at least in my opinion).


Absolutely not. Not in a million years. Some actors either can't portray anyone but themselves, or have rarely tried. Great as he is, Dennis Hopper can only play Dennis Hopper. He's in the same person in Speed, Blue Velvet, and Space Truckers. The only thing that changes are his lines and motivation. Hopper is in a pile of fine actors who haven't done much to shake that image, including Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci, Gary Busey, Jack Nicholson, Al Pacino, and Burt Reynolds.

To play a character like HST, you need to be a damn good mimic. I think Bill Murray and Johnny "Colonel" Depp proved they are more than capable of capturing the essence of him.


How about Robert Forster?

Crispin Glover as the Joker. Period.


you forgot george clooney



Hell No! Why would you even think such a thing? Thompson is one of my heros. I would hate to see him portrayed by a lame ass like Hoper!


Maybe Dan Aykroyd, back when he was skinny in the 70s.



What both Depp and Murray (though I thought they were both wonderful) lack that Thompson had was an absolute seriousness and conviction in everything he said. You usually knew when Depp and Murray were pulling your leg, but the real Thompson never seemed to give that much away. He always meant what he said, even when he didn't mean what he said.


Hahaha, my friend said he thought that Jim Carrey would be a good choice, and that may be true, but I just wouldn't like the fact that he would play HST. It just doesn't seem as right as Depp(my fave as him) or Murray. But I also have the feeling that if Jim played HST, he would over exaggerate the character a lot, although, after seeing Man on the Moon, I might be wrong!



What about Robin Williams?


Lets go out on a limb here. How about Chevy Chase or Clint Eastwood?


No One could have played HST better than Bill at the time this film was made, first of all Bill looked very much like an early to mid 1970s version of HST, second he had his speech patterns and mannerisms down pat, if you close your eyes and listen to HST and then listen to Bill from the film it is hard to tell them apart., the movie was a classic and Bil's acting was spot on.

“Do not fear death... only the unlived life.” - Natalie Babbitt


i always thought chevy chase could have been a good contender for playing hunter, and/or the character of raoul duke. this came to me as i was watching a copy of "fletch" one strung-out night. i dunno... anyone?


Yep I've watched Fletch strung out heaps of times and I can see your point :)

I come in peace, Shoot to kill!!!


I always thought there were a few people who might of done a great job portraying Hunter if they were given the chance. Names that come to mind are:

Charlton Heston
Jurgen Prochnow
Dominic Monaghan
Jet Li
Bernie Mac
or any one of the Hanson Brothers (of Charlestown Cheifs fame).


"Are you an imaginary character from the land of Krull?" - d{^_^}b


HA HA HA to even put Dennis Hopper near HST is insane that man couldn't act out of a paper bag. My god are you on crack his acting has the same emotion and dept as a wall. Please

Billy Muray did just fine portraying him and seeing Bill and Johnny together you can def. see some similaries. But Johnny is dead on and when they do decide to film "The Rum Diary" anytime soon Johnny is the only one to play the part doesn't matter if he's playing a 20 something Hunter, he wouldn't want it any other way.



how is Dennis Hopper a bad choice? The man could have pulled it off. Dennis Hopper had the intensity and the look, he was a decent actor, he may at times been a bit overrated, but still a good actor.
