MovieChat Forums > Where the Buffalo Roam (1980) Discussion > Carl Lazlo/Death/The Mansons: Where Are ...

Carl Lazlo/Death/The Mansons: Where Are They Now?

About a decade after this movie came out, I was introduced to the infamous CARL LAZLO* and rather quickly became part of his inner circle, second only to the 4 twenty-something good-girl groupies** who were with him pretty much 24-7. He was an amazingly charismatic, boisterous fellow, and it's uncanny how much Peter Boyle looked like I imagine Laz must've in the mid-70s.

Eventually, I was excommunicated from the group after the eccentric Mr. L got the bizarre notion that I had lost him four-million-dollars by somehow throwing a wrench into a mysterious deal he'd been working on. This meant that none of the ultra-protective girls in the pool would speak to me or let me near him either. Eventually, one of them who had later lost favor told me he had left Austin at some point, either because he wanted to or "needed" to, if you get my drift.***

So, does anyone know the current whereabouts of the "living Lazlo"? If so, simply whisper these key phrases in his ear:

"Chiodo Brothers" + "Sea Monkeys" + "hat"

He'll know who is looking for him, you betcha.

-- MNW aka NDJ aka KWL aka ETC.

*(Yes, I know that Carl Lazlo is technically a fictional character; the Wikipedia states that the name specifically referred ro attorney Oscar Zeta Acosta [born 1935, disappeared 1974]. Well, in one of his more open moments, "my" Lazlo admitted that he was actually one of several individuals who Thompson had combined into the persona of Carl Lazlo, and as the survivor whose physical and psychological traits were most prominently on display in the Dr.'s writings on Lazlo he felt as though he had earned the right to use the name. (I believe I may have once heard him give his real name as "Adam Rich" or something along those lines). The girls told me that while they had never witnessed any contact by HST himself, his close confidante and part-time Thompson-to-English translator Jerry Jeff Walker had been known to call up the Lazlo household from time to time.)

**(Among the girls was another person I would greatly like to see again, my dear darling DEATH [aka Cinnamon Hadley], who writer Neil Gaiman and artist Mike Dringgenberg brought to four-color life in the pages of DC Comics' "The Sandman". She split for Houston around ten years ago and vanished off my radar soon after.)

***(I may be getting the circumstances of his departure confused with those of yet another nefarious ex-associate of mine, Mister WHITE RABITT [sic] of the well-known late-60s TV clan The Manson Family. Rabitt most DEFINITELY left Austin under less-than-favorable legal circumstances. Oh, and no, I'm not really all that desperate to run into him again -- but thanks for asking!)
