wow this is bad

I mean, the underlying story is great. Most of the cast is good too despite the really crappy writing they had to work with... However, it was hard to get past Lena's selfishness and one track mind. She wasn't hired to care for one child. The end doesn't really justify the means by ignoring the rest of the kids. Her roommate wasn't likeable at all. I mean, how did that woman get hired? And I can't understand why Karen was always isolated. Someone still should have pushed her wheelchair with the other kids when they were playing games. Nope - Karen's always off by herself even though she didn't put herself there. Looks like she wasn't getting physical therapy like the other kids either.

Love that kids who were actually disabled were included. But Diane Lane? Come on...she didn't fit in at all. Why couldn't they have used one of the regular kids? I just couldn't buy her as having CP. Lane's "acting" made her seem like a lazy self-centered girl holding up a limp wrist. pfft None of her other movements were abnormal. Her speech was a good try but not believable. (I guess we're supposed to buy it that Lena doesn't know she's saying "mice" when she very clearly says "mice" over and over...holy hell that was painful) The doctors keep saying she was locked inside herself and has a blank stare - never saw it. You're not staring when you're looking all around the room at people!! You're not "locked inside yourself" when you grab the wheelchair as your caretaker tilts it back. ugh Guess it shows we've come a long way by casting actual kids with disabilities (Chris Burke, RJ Mitte) instead of having pretty girls faking it.

The people you idolize wouldn't like you.


What a strange, bogus set of comments. It is a very nice story and Diane Lane is very good in this role.

Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.
