Song at the end

Does anybody know the title of the song that plays during the end credits? It's probably by George Harrison since he was involved in composing the score.


The song is Dream Away, performed and sung by ex-Beatle, the late great George Harrison.




It's on the 1982 album "Gone Troppo" and with an extra verse, as well.


It is posted on You Tube. Time Bandits, George Harrison, Dream Away.


the version on the album "12 Arnold Grove" features music from the film as well as the time bandits laughing at the end like the film version


That song was the reason I watched the credits. :))

Pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space 'cos its bugger all down here on Earth.


Y'know, I didn't even know that was George until today!


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"



That theme song is terrific and serves as a perfect capper to the film.

I've been chasing grace/ But grace ain't easy to find


Definitely my favourite end theme, still play it a lot now.


I hate the way TV stations, even the movie channels, cut off or advertise other stuff during the credits. TCM seems to be the only one resisting that obnoxious trend.

And yes, I love that song too.


It's my pet hate, one bad example was with the later Doctor Who series, get right to the end expecting to hear the latest rendition of the end theme but no, it's had it's volume cranked all the way down, the picture squeezed into the corner, and some loud voice over and text telling us whats coming up over the next few hours. Great..
