MovieChat Forums > Terror on Tour Discussion > Terror on Tour is...

Terror on Tour is...

...not that bad. Actually, I enjoyed it, with the exception of the killer's identity (me brain hurts).

Going into it, there was a swarm of bad reviews riding on its back, and I was expecting something along the lines of The Ripper, Berserker, Offerings or even A Day of Judgment. What I found, though not the quality of the classic B slashers in the 80s, was a neat little cut-em-upper with a gloomy red atmosphere, sleaze (done correctly for once!) and some death scenes that were effective. Overall, I'd say it ranks with average flicks of the early 80s, except that it prevents itself from being a mediocre throw-away with some nice unique touches.

Terror On Tour - a fine timewaster, and an overlooked low budget gem.

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