Not very good

I wanted to like this movie, but it was disappointing. The concept is a good one: a masked murderer on a train targeting college students, but the execution wasn't great. It wasn't scary or thrilling or very entertaining. Performances are hit and miss and the writing was fairly mediocre. Not the worst horror film I've seen though, but it not good enough to recommend. It is streaming on Prime if anyone wants to check it out for themselves. My rating is a 5/10.


also on hollywood suite


With close-quarter settings like this, it really puts more attention on the acting. One way around this is to make it a straight-up action movie. Thanks, Allaby; I want to see how big of a Trainwreck this is now. Get it, Trainwreck! ๐Ÿ˜‰



I'ts not perfect but I liked it 6.2/10


is it at least better than Death Ship?


I gave it a 6/10. Good premise. Needed better looking kils and some gratuitous nudity. There's one brief perfunctory topless shot of a woman. With all the great costumes, they could have provided more visual eye candy. Vanity looked smoking hot. And the kils are mostly off screen, they aren't exciting or visually cool.


I disagree, I think itโ€™s a lot of fun.
