
There is a joke in the film with the sendup, "Why does Khaddafi shave his pubic hair?" or something like that, and the subtitled punch line says "(x-rated German joke)". My German's pretty good but I couldn't catch it -- does anyone know what it is?


They didn't subtitle that?! It's quite an ordinary reply - the reply is "So that his balls look nicer" - or something similar, I watched the film yesterday but can't remember the exact phrasing.

Maybe, the translator wasn't German and the fact that in Germany, we call our balls "Eier" (eggs) confused him / her.;-)


Dank dir!


The joke was that "nicer balls" in German is "Eier toller", which is pronounced the same as "Ayatollah"


Thank you.

It seems they could easily have put "so he'd have nicer balls (Eier toller/Ayatollah)". I've seen other jokes in other films that are subtitled in this way. It's too bad they didn't do that here.


It's quite funny, so I thought maybe one should add the whole thing. The joke is: 'Why does Khomeini have his pubic hair shaved?' = 'Warum lässt Khomeine seine Schamhaare rasieren?' 'So that his balls look nicer.' = 'Damit seine Eier toller aussehen'. In the news, Khomeini was always announced as 'Ayatollah Khomeini', which is equal too 'Eier-toller Khomeini' = 'Mr. Nice-balls Khomeini'.
