This movie in English

I have heard that this movie was released with English language/sound on VHS long time ago, probably in 1980/81.
The title was 'The Charter Trip'.

Does anyone have more information about this?
Would love to hear them talk English, cause I have heard it was rather funny.

Best regards,


Here comes a rather late answer to this question, 1 ½ years after, but it is now announced that the movie will be released december 7th 2005 in Sweden, as a special 2-disc edition, with the english language version as a special feature.


I can confirm this, I bought a DVD a couple of years ago which did contained an audio track with english voices. As always, not as good as the originals though =/


The Scandinavian Blu-ray also features this English language dub-track, including Swedish subtitles made for it. I watched the first 30 minutes or so and noticed that the Swedish names had been changed to typically British, except for the Norwegian man who had become German(!). Also some of the cultural reference jokes changed for obvious reasons.

Though of course not as good as the original voices, very few dubs are, I thought it was quite good. Loved the thick accents of the drunks, very fitting.

The cultural localization should make it easier to enjoy for non Scandinavians, especially Brits, as the dub seems to have been made with a GB audience in mind.


No i didn´t, "The Charter Trip" Fun movie if it ever come out on english text you should see it


You mean they'll dub it?? That can't be true...

"This world isn't perfect. That's why it's beautiful" - Roy Mustang


Stig helmer the giruaffe
