MovieChat Forums > Superman II (1981) Discussion > The fall makes no sense

The fall makes no sense

This is never explained in the movie, but I don't see how Superman can travel around the Earth multiple times in a fraction of a second (think of how fast brain, mind and reactions you would have to have), but he can't stop his clumsy fall in time, he can't take his hand out of the fireplace in time, etc.?

Besides, Superman can REVERSE TIME, so _ANY_ blunder he makes, is completely eraseable, deletable, removable, etc.

It doesn't make -any- sense that Superman would fall so clumsily and have her hand stay in the fireplace for long enough to Louis to see it there, AND him _NOT_ reversing time to remove this from ever happening.

The fall itself - how can someone, who can FLY at will, FALL anyway (against his will)?

How can someone with INCREDIBLY fast brain and reactions, not stop his fall or avoid his hand from hitting the fire, _IF_ such an individual can even ever be expected to be as clumsy as we were shown?

Couldn't they come up with something more interesting and plausible, like Louis's detective work that irrefutably proves that Clark wasn't anywhere, when Superman was around, or something?

For example, proving that Clark isn't in 1 mile radius, and yet, he appears in seconds - surely an inhuman feat to accomplish. That would definitely prove it completely. Clark trying to lie and explain, and Louis having proof against every explanation.

THAT would've made more sense (although, still, Superman can REVERSE TIME, so he can never be caught being Clark, he can never basically make a mistake (unless he's stopped from reversing the time)).

But no, we get this weird "fastest-man-in-the-world-that-can-reverse-time-slowly-and-clumsily-falls"-scene.

Movies could be great, if they weren't written by the odd, intelligent-lacking odd creatures that wrote all these stupidities into movie scripts.

Why would any writer do it this way, when there must've been 812 554 912 much better ways of 'revealing Clark to be Superman' (none of which would've worked, because SUPERMAN CAN REVERSE THE FRIGGIN' TIME AND PREVENT IT FROM EVER HAPPENING ANYWAY!)?

In my opinion, they should never have made Superman 'reverse time', and they should never have had that stupid 'romance crap'.

They should've kept Superman a powerful action character that doesn't need romance, instead of making him into a clumsy, slow, sappy woman-pleaser and tear-jerker. Sigh.

(Yes, I know they're in "Niagara FALLs", but that doesn't mean Superman has to FALL.. I am just glad it wasn't FALL when it happened)


They explained in the movie why Clark clumsily falls. He's questioning why he would do something like that and Lois says perhaps he wanted her to finally know the truth. The fall was caused by his emotionally no longer wanting to keep up the charade. Blame director Richard Lester.

You should see that scene as it was originally done by Richard Donner, the original director who was fired over creative differences. From "Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut ". It starts at 2:00


While that might be a somewhat better scene I don't want to see the Donner cut cause on this board people say that he cuts out the Paris scene and also cuts out the scene where Zod and his lackeys super blow everyone around in New York.
