MovieChat Forums > Shogun Assassin (1980) Discussion > Fight with Masters of Death an anti-clim...

Fight with Masters of Death an anti-climax?

Did anyone else think the fight at the end with the three Masters of Death was an anti-climax? Earlier in the film they are shown as being fearsome fighters, incredibly fast and vicious. But he kills them very quickly, one by one. They don't rush him at the same time, and they seem a heck of a lot slower/weaker than how they'd been presented earlier. I guess this is like so many other movies where the super-tough bad guy turns into a wimp when it comes to fighting the hero, but I found it a disappointment.

By way of contrast, look at Kung-Fu Hustle where the villains - and the heroes - get tougher and tougher and tougher as the movie progresses. As a result, it's much more satisfying to watch. In Shogun Assassin you feel like you've been cheated - the fearsome opponents change into weaklings, and we don't see the great fight of similarly-skilled warriors which we'd hoped for and been led to expect.


I have to agree. The ending pretty much sucked.



I thought it was cool but could have been much better. There is a huge gigantic war though in the 4th episode I think it was (or maybe 3rd).


''I always wanted to cut someone's neck like that one day, but to have my own neck cut, well, thats just RIDICULOUS!!'

Exactly! the end is one of the coolest endings ever!


I love that quote abosuletly hilarous


I'm with ya. When I heard it my dad and I started cracking up. If they had used any other word it wouldn't have had nearly the same effect.


And after that line he falls in the sand and the blood jets out! Greatness. I loved the ending. It just shows that nobody totally defeats Ogami Itto...ever!

