Saw this high

Wow, it's amazing the similarities this has with Kill Bill...and obviously this movie was the originator. Just a take no prisoners, no hold barred film. And if you see it high, believe me, it'll so trippy you won't even believe it.


Yeah this flick is awesome, and even better when baked!

Check out the "Lonewolf & Cub" series, it's basically more of the same. Although no dubbing (just subtitles).

As much as I usually hate dubbing I think one of the main things I loved about Shogun Assassin was the dubbing. But the whole thing was all class.



i recently did the same and when that part came where the girl was like I AM THE SUPREME NINJA and he just like grunts with a close up on his face, i died laughing


Yes! I always thought he said, "Ohhh?!" right then and a friend of mine swears he says "Who?!" I'll have to watch it again and listen for the grunt. Either way, it's totally classic and you're right---I laugh at that part also.

