Feet Scraped??

What the heck is having your "feet scraped" ???



I am so thankful for having this mystery solved after 26 years because I always wondered what it meant too.


But what you guys aren't getting is the way she said it. I had to get my feet e scraped. Now if you say it faster it sounds like I had to get my fetus scraped. That's why everyone was laughing!


im not sure cubearcub knows what he/she is talking about.


What's so funny about getting your feet scraped? I think they knew what she was saying but when it came out it sounded like fetus scraped.



I hope they upped cubearcub's medication.

"Fetus scraped"??????


Getting your feet scraped is kind of like getting a manicure for the foot.

"Revenge is a dish best served cold"


I always wondered, too, but I have a callus scraper to reduce the calluses on MY feet, so perhaps that's what she meant. She probably does a lot of walking and had really thick calluses on her feet, so she went to a podiatrist or something to have them safely removed. That's my best guess. *shrug*

Better than what my grandmother did. She used a razor blade to remove calluses from her feet. *shudder*

"Club sandwiches not seals" - http://www.protectseals.org


Oh, that was so funny, the way she said it.
I, too, use a callous scraper on my feet (I go barefoot a lot). Whenever I need to use it I say "I have to scrape my feet", and my husband quotes that line in the movie, saying it just like she does.

aimsusie: love your sig!


I always thought she was talking about having bunions taken care of - I thought that was the old way of doing it...


It's funny because hardly anyone gets it done or has heard of it.

Fetus scraped is just sick. No one in their right mind would laugh at that.


You should have you hearing checked.


I have no idea what it is but my husband and I have always made jokes about (whoever) having to go "get his feed scraped".


LOL!!! I always thought it just sounded so crazy AND her accent. Never in a million years did I think it sounded like fetus scraped OMG!

~RIP JR Ewing~


come on, guys, fetus scraped, its funny.....

